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ProQuest Historical African American Newspapers

Library Card Required

African American historical newspapers throughout the United States. Collections include the Atlanta Daily World 1931-2010, Baltimore Afro-American 1893-2010, Chicago Defender 1910-2010, Cleveland Call and Post 1934-2010, Los Angeles Sentinel 1934-2010, Louisville Defender‎ 1951-2010, Michigan Chronicle 1939-2010, New York Amsterdam News 1922-2010, Norfolk Journal and Guide 1921-2010, Philadelphia Tribune 1912-2010, and Pittsburgh Courier 1911-2010.

All Branch LibrariesSchomburg Center for Research in Black CultureStephen A. Schwarzman BuildingThe New York Public Library for the Performing ArtsThomas Yoseloff Business Center
History, Genealogy, United States History, Historical Newspapers, U.S. Newspapers, Area and Cultural Studies, African American Studies